The Real Mount Sinai
The Real Mount Sinai
The mountain in the so-called Sinai Peninsular that has been traditionally identified as Mount Sinai (Jebal Musa), does not meet any of the biblical criteria, proving that it is the correct mountain. It has only been identified as such since the fourth century and was identified by Helena the wife of the Roman Emperor Constantine.
There are several ideas as to which mountain is the actual correct Mount Sinai:
In the beginning of the twentieth century, Sir Flinders Petrie, the famous archaeologist, found proto-Sinaitic inscriptions at a mountain called Serabit El-Khadem. This mountain is also found in the Sinai Peninsular and has been suggested as being Mount Sinai.
In 1926 the Explorer Alois Musil suggested in his book ‘The Northern Hegaz’ that Mount Bedr could be the correct mountain.
Professor Menashe Har-El suggested that Jebal Sinn Bishr was the correct mountain, after climbing ten mountains in the region.
Ron Wyatt, the American Explorer and Seventh Day Adventist, suggested that Jebal Al-Lawz in Saudi Arabia was Mount Sinai due to its close location to Neweiba beach on the Egyptian side of the Gulf of Aqaba, which he suggested was the site of the Crossing of the Red Sea. Two other Christians, Larry Williams and Bob Cornuke also believe that Jebal Al-Lawz is the correct mountain, see the book ‘The Gold of Exodus’ by Howard Blum.
Professor Emmanuel Anati believes that Har Karkom (Mount Saffron), near the Ramon Crater in the Negev desert in the South of Israel, is the correct mountain due to his archaeological findings at the location. See his book ‘Is Har Karkom the Biblical Mount Sinai?’ and website
In 2004, Cambridge Professor Colin Humphreys also suggested Mount Bedr at the correct mountain, in his book ‘Miracles of the Exodus’ due to it being an old volcano.
Simcha Jacobovici in his TV series ‘The Naked Archaeologist’ and his Film ‘The Exodus Decoded’ suggests that the correct Mount Sinai is Jebel Hashem El-Tarif, which is in the middle of the Sinai Peninsular not very far north west of the Israeli city of Elat.
Noahide James D. Long in his book ‘The Riddle of the Exodus’ also suggests that Jebal Al-Lawz in Saudi Arabia is Mount Sinai, but for different reasons to Wyatt and others.
In 2018, Rabbi Alexander Hool in his book ‘Searching for Sinai’, suggests that Jebel Harb in Saudi Arabia as the real Mount Sinai. See this article:
The AskNoah website quotes the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s opinion and locates the real Mount Sinai in the north of the Sinai peninsular, possibly being either Gebel Halal or Gebel Libni:
See also:
Investigating Biblical Evidence | Patterns of Evidence
Patterns of Evidence: Exodus: A Filmmaker’s Journey: Mahoney, Timothy P.
Is Har Sinai in Saudi Arabia?:
Wikipedia – Mount Sinai:
In Search of Mt Sinai:
Mount Sinai is NOT Jebel al-Lawz in Saudi Arabia:
Israel in Egypt:
New Evidence from Egypt on the Location of the Exodus Sea Crossing – Part 1:
New Evidence from Egypt on the Location of the Exodus Sea Crossing – Part 2:
What Do Mt Horeb, The Mountain of God, Mt Paran and Mt Seir Have to Do with Mt Sinai?:
The Ark of the Covenant is NOT in Ethiopia:
Sandalim and Gilgalim
The footprint Sukkot left behind | Josh Hartuv | The Blogs (
Gilgal: YHWH™s Footprints in the Land of Israel (