Conversion to Judaism

Conversion to Judaism

Conversion to Judaism is not necessary as a Gentile that observes the Seven Noachide Commandments because they were commanded by G-d, automatically receives a place in ‘Heaven’ (the World to Come), according to the Talmud and Maimonides code of law ‘Mishneh Torah’.

Those wishing to convert should first read the following recommended books:

On Conversion:

On Basic Judaism:

On Jewish Law:

On Shabbos:

On Kosher Cooking:

On Family Purity:

On Jewish Prayer:

On Jewish History:

On the Jewish Messiah:

Conversion to Judaism in the UK

Conversions to Judaism in the UK are performed under the supervision of the London Beth Din.

The London Beth Din’s website is:

London Sephardi Beth Din: S and P Sephardi Community | The home of the Sephardi Community since 1656

Conversion to Judaism in the USA