Shalom and welcome to:
The Noachide Association of Great Britain
Teaching the Seven Precepts of Noah
the universal ethical code for all mankind
Did you know that Judaism recognizes that Righteous Gentiles receive a place in the World to Come?
Unlike other religions, Judaism doesn’t condemn you to Hell if you decide not to convert to being Jewish. Many people are just unaware that Orthodox Rabbinical Judaism has two paths that lead to the ‘World to Come’ i.e. ‘Heaven’. One path, that of the Orthodox Jew, consists of 613 commandments that were given to Moses at Mount Sinai who relayed them to the twelve tribes of Israel. The other path, that of the Righteous Gentile, consists of seven commandments, which were given to the Patriarch Noah and his descendants as the covenant in Genesis, Chapter 9, and then were later repeated to Moses at Mount Sinai to be relayed to all the peoples of the world.
Most people have heard of the so-called ‘Ten Commandments’, but what they don’t know is that ‘Ten Commandments’ is a mistranslation. In the original Hebrew, ‘Aseret HaDibrot’ correctly translates as ‘Ten Statements’. The ten statements that Moses brought down from Mount Sinai carved in two stone tablets, are a summary of the 613 Jewish commandments. Amazingly, the ten statements as they were written on the two stone tablets consisted of 620 letters carved into them. Note that 613 and 7 = 620! (See Baal HaTurim on the Chumash, Shemos 20:14)
People who observe the seven commandments of Noah are considered by Orthodox Rabbis to be ‘Righteous Gentiles’ and are known as “Noachides” or “Bnai Noach” in Hebrew, both these terms mean ‘descendants of Noah.’
The Seven Commandments of Noah for Non-Jews to observe are:
Avodah Zarah עֲבוֹדָה זָרָה
No idolatry - Believe and trust in G-d, not a false representation
Birchat HaShem בִּרְכַּת הַשֵׁם
No blasphemy - Respect and praise G-d
Shefichat Damim שְׁפִיכוּת דָּמִים
No bloodshed (murder, assault & slander) - Respect the sanctity of human life
Gilui Arayot גִּלּוּי עֲרָיוֹת
No illicit carnal knowledge of a forbidden partner - Respect traditional family values
Gezel גָּזֵל
No theft, kidnap or rape - Respect the rights and property of others
Ever Min HaChai אֵבָר מִן הֶחָי
No cruelty, don't eat meat from a live animal - Respect the rights of animals
Dinim דִּינִים
Establish a system of Justice - Responsibility for society
How do I remember the Noachide Commandments?
Starting with the first four letters of the Hebrew alphabet:
- Alef ( א ): Aver Min HaChay – אבר מן החי – Flesh from a living animal;
- Bet ( ב ): Birkat HaShem – ברכת השם – Cursing G-d/Blasphemy;
- Gimel ( ג ): Gezel – גזל – Theft/Robbery;
- Dalet ( ד ): Dayanim – דינים – Judges.
The final three commandments are the three cardinal sins for which a Jew must give his life rather than commit:
- Idolatry: Avodah Zarah – עבודה זרה
- Sexual crimes: Giluy Arayot – גלוי עריות
- Murder: Shefichat Damim – שפיכות דמים
Source: Handbook of Jewish Thought, by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, page 39.
These Seven Commandments which G-d gave to the Descendant’s of Noah, i.e. to all mankind, via the Prophet Moses and the oral Torah tradition, are basic laws with far-reaching ramifications which embrace the whole life of the society as well as of the individual, to ensure that the human race will be guided by these Divine laws of morality and ethics, and that the human society will indeed be human, and not a jungle.
The prophet Isaiah foretold that the Jewish people are to be “a light unto the nations” (Isaiah 42:6, 49:6), and as part of fulfilling this task they have preserved in the Babylonian Talmud (Sanhedrin 56a-60b, 96b, Avodah Zarah 2a-3b, 64b, 65a & 65b, Bava Kamma 38a and Chullin 92a) the universal code of seven Noachide commandments, which is a basic program of ethical monotheism.
The Jewish people have been historically deliberately prevented from carrying out their G-d given task, to teach the people of the world the true monotheistic faith in G-d and His Seven Universal Commandments, by the Evil heretical terrorist organization, known as the Catholic “Inquisition”, who have used torture and murder to prevent people receiving the truth and have tricked and misguided innocent people into following a false religious dogma. The Jewish people are now free to be a “light unto the nations” and teach the true faith, without the threat of being burnt to death at the stake by the christian inquisition.
The Oral Torah (i.e. The Talmud) in Sanhedrin 56b alludes to the Seven Commandments of the Covenant of Noah, in G-d’s commandment to Adam not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, in the Written Torah (the Bible):
Genesis 2:16 – “G-d [YKWK], Almighty G-d [Elokim], commanded man, saying: “You may eat freely from every tree of the Garden, but you must not eat from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. For on the day that you will eat from it you will certainly die.”
- “G-d” refers to ‘Idolatry’.
- “Almighty G-d” refers to ‘Blasphemy’.
- “Commanded” refers to ‘Establishing Courts of Justice’.
- “Man” refers to ‘Murder’.
- “Saying” refers to ‘Illicit Sex’.
- “You may eat freely” refers to ‘Eating flesh taken from a Living Animal’.
- “From every tree of the garden” refers to ‘Theft’.
This means that these seven laws were encompassed by Adam’s single commandment that was given in the Garden of Eden.
For those who foolishly deny the Oral Torah, please note that the Oral Torah is mentioned in the Written Torah (the Bible), Exodus 24:12, Where “G-d said to Moses, “Come up to Me, to the mountain and remain there, and I will give you [1] the stone tablets, [2] the Torah (the [written] teaching, i.e. the Written Torah) and [3] the Mitzvah (the [verbal] commandment, i.e. the Oral Torah), which I have written to instruct them.”
According to rabbinical teaching, the Seven Noachide Commandments were actually repeated to Moses on Mount Sinai, two days before the revelation of the Torah, as the verse states: “Moses came and told the people all the words of G-d and all the Mishpatim (laws)…” (Ex. 24:3).
The Seven Noachide Commandments were later codified into the Jewish Legal Code called the ‘Mishneh Torah’, by Rabbi Moses Maimonides (Rambam), in the section called Hilchos Melachim (The Laws of Kings), Chapters 8, 9 and 10. Quoting the Midrash Genesis Rabbah 16:6, Maimonides states that six commandments were given to Adam and the seventh was given to Noah after the flood, as until the Flood Mankind were not permitted to eat meat.
To be an authentic Noachide, one must have the right intention, and this is explained by Rambam in Hilchos Melachim 8:11: “Any person who accepts upon himself the Seven Commandments and is scrupulous in their observance is considered one of the ‘Righteous Gentiles’ and he is given a portion in the World to Come. This is provided that he accepts them and observed them because G-d commanded so in the Torah, and made known to us through Moses, our teacher, that the descendants of Noah had already been commanded in these laws. However, if he observes them due to personal conviction he is not considered a ‘Ger Toshav’ (foreign resident) nor a ‘Righteous Gentile’ nor one of their Sages.”
Some people think that there is no need to connect the laws of ethics and morality with Divine authority, and try to rationalize these principles instead. The fallacy of this thinking is abundantly clear, as we saw in the middle of the last century, a whole nation which had boasted of great philosophic advancement and ethical systems sink to the lowest depth of inhuman depravity and unprecedented barbarism, and the reason for this was that they thought that they could establish a morality and ethics based on human reason, not subject to the authority of a Supreme Being, having themselves become a super race, as they thought.
In essence, the Seven Noahide Commandments establish a stable, humane and just society, which accomplishes G-d’s command of inhabiting/settling the world. This is the basis of civilization, for “He did not create it as a wasteland, but formed it to be inhabited/settled.” (Isaiah 45:18). Observing these Laws helps everyone accomplish his or her true purpose: to make a dwelling place for G-d in this world.
Start your Noachide journey with these books:
There are other recommended books on our Books Page.
Please Learn Everyone’s Divinely Given Ethics
The Noahide Pledge:
I pledge to observe the Universal Torah Commandments for all humanity.
I will not commit:
- Idolatry; I will believe and trust in G-d, not a false representation.
- Blasphemy; I will respect and praise G-d.
- Bloodshed (murder, assault & slander); I will respect the sanctity of human life.
- Forbidden sexual acts; I will respect traditional family values.
- Theft; I will respect the rights and property of others.
- Cruelty to animals; I will respect the rights of animals and not eat meat from a live animal.
- Injustice; I will act justly and support a system of Justice.
Spiritual Practices for Noahides
(from the book: ‘Compassion for Humanity in the Jewish Tradition,’ by Rabbi David Sears).
- Contemplation of G-d and meditation.
- Study of Torah [the parts relevant to the Universal Noahide Code].
- Prayer.
- Charity and good deeds.
- Return to G-d [repentance].
- [The Chasidic principal of ] Joy. Despair is the antithesis of faith.

“All nations were originally of the Religion comprehended in the Precepts of the sons of Noah, the chief of which were [1] to have one God, & not to alienate his worship, [2] nor prophane his name; [3] to abstein from murder, [4] theft, [5] fornication, & all injuries; [6] not to feed on the flesh or drink the blood of a living animal, but to be mercifull even to bruit beasts; & [7] to set up Courts of justice in all cities & societies for putting these laws in execution. In the ancient cities the Iudges usually sat in the Gates of the city & were called the Elders of the city & judged of causes both sacred & civil & the father of every family was the elder of the family subordinate to the Elders of the city. This religion descended to Melchisedec & Iob & to Abraham Isaac Iacob Moses & the Israelites & to the proselites of the Gate. ffor so the Israelites called the strangers within their Gates who observed the precepts of the sons of Noah. But the Kings of the nations by degrees causing their dead ancestors to be celebrated with sacrifices praises & invocations, the religion of Noah & his sons passed into the worship of dead men & the laws of their courts of Iustice into the moral Philosophy of the heathens. . ffor Pythagoras one of the oldest Philosophers in Europe, after he had travelled among the eastern nations for the sake of knowledge & conversed with their Priests & Iudges & seen their manners, taught his scholars that all men should be friends to all men & even to bruit Beasts & should conciliate the friendship of the Gods by piety, & that a friend was another self, & his disciples were celebrated for loving one another. The religion of Noah & his sons was therefore the moral law of all nations put in execution by their courts of Iustice untill they corrupted themselves.”
“So that all the nations of the earth shall know the Lord is G-d; there is none else. Let your heart therefore be whole with the Lord our G-d, to follow His statutes and to keep His commandments, as of this day.”
I Kings 8:60-61
Highly recommended Book & YouTube videos
By Rabbi Lazer Brody of www.lazerbeams.com
- The Owner’s Manual
- Emuna and the Seven Noahide Laws
- The 1st Noahide Law: The Prohibition of Idolatry
- The 2nd Noahide Law: The Prohibition of Blasphemy
- The 3rd Noahide Law: The Prohibition of Murder
- The 4th Noahide Law: The Prohibition of Adultery
- The 5th Noahide Law: The Prohibition of Theft
- Noahide Laws 6 & 7: Kindness to Animals, Judiciary
- Noahide Prayer: The Intimate Bond
Highly recommended YouTube videos:
The Noahide Code, by Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin of BrooklynHeightsJewishAcademy.org
- Noahide Code Part 1 of 4. How to Achieve World Peace
- Noahide Code 2 of 4. Pious of the Nations
- Noahide Code 3 of 4. Moral Justice
- Noahide Code 4 of 4. Universal Laws for Mankind
Highly recommended videos - Why are we here?
By Rabbi Manis Friedman of ItsGoodToKnow.org
Recommended book: Creating a Life that Matters, by Rabbi Manis Friedman. Available on Amazon.
October 2017: An important message from Rabbi Moshe Weiner on the Pseudo “Ger” cult:
1. An open letter regarding the teachings of Rabbi Katz – Open Letter from Rabbi Moshe Weiner
2. An open letter concerning the teachings of Rabbi Katz & Rabbi Clorfene – Open Letter from Rabbi Weiner and seven other Rabbis
3. Statement from HaRav Yoel Schwartz regarding Rabbi Katz – Rabbi Schwartz on David Katz
“Torah will go forth from Zion and HaShem’s word from Jerusalem.”
(Isaiah 2:3, Micah 4:2)
Noahide FAQ’s:
‘For, from the rising of the sun until its setting, My Name is great among the nations, and everywhere offerings are burnt and offered up to My Name; yea, a pure oblation, for My Name is great among the nations, says the Lord of Hosts.’
Malachi 1:11
Please also visit:
AskNoah.org – Ask Noah International & United Noahide Academies
NoahideAcademy.org / Noahide-Academy.com / Noahidemy.com – Online study courses
Ijc.com.au – Institute for Judaism and Civilization (Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen)
Monoteism.ru – Russian Noahides
DutchNoahideCommunity.nl– The Noahide Community in Holland
My Noahide Family – Noahides of Australia and New Zealand
7Gebote.ch – Noachides of Switzerland
NoahideCommunityInc.org – Noahides in the Philippines.
LittleArkAngels.com – Noahide Charity in India
Chabad.org – Chabad Lubavitch Chassidus
PinchasTaylor.com/ark – The Ark Program
UniteToStudy.org – Courses on the Seven Universal Principles
OutreachJudaism.org – Rabbi Tovia Singer’s counter-missionary organization
JewsForJudaism.org – Keeping Jews Jewish
Positive actions for Noahides or opposites of the prohibitions
- The opposite to the prohibition of Idolatry is believing, trusting, worshiping and praying to the real true G-d.
- The opposite to the prohibition of Blasphemy is respecting and praising the name of G-d.
- The opposite to the prohibition of Murder is respect the sanctity of human life and support the pro-life movement and promote world peace, and stop verbal slander and gossip.
- The opposite to the prohibition of Sexual immorality is to raise a decent traditional family unit and teach your children decency.
- The opposite to the prohibition of Theft is charitable giving and thanking G-d for what He provides us with.
- The opposite to the prohibition of Eating meat from a live animal is promote animal welfare and support Jewish Kashrut organizations.
- The opposite to the prohibition of Anarchy and injustice is to establish systems of true justice, rehabilitation and education.

“The earth and all in it is the L-rd’s, the world and its inhabitants” Psalm 24.