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The Noachide Association of Great Britain

The Noachide Association of Great Britain is one of a number of local chapters of the United Noahide Academies, which are Local Noahide study groups throughout the world, which meet up and study from the book ‘The Divine Code’, with the guidance of a local Orthodox Rabbi.

The Noachide Association of Great Britain was founded in May 2005, to serve the needs of a growing number of Bnai Noach in the UK who wanted to meet up and get involved and study with an orthodox Rabbi and like minded people.

The Noachide Association of Great Britain is under the direction and supervision of Rabbi Yitzchok Sufrin, shlit’a (Director of the Friends of Small Communities, which is a division of Chabad-Lubavitch UK), with the help and support of the Director and panel of Rabbis behind the Ask Noah organization and the Noahide Academy of Israel.


Our goal is to establish a group where Noahides can meet other Noahides who are interested in sharing information and ideas, discussing and learning together with an Orthodox Rabbi about the Seven Universal Commandments of the Covenant of Noah.

Study Program:

Currently we are holding classes in London, which last for approximately two-to-three hours. Rabbi Sufrin teaches from the following books:

  1. The Divine Code. The comprehensive codification (Shulchan Aruch) of Noachide law, which clearly defines for the first time, all of the details of the proper observance of the Covenant of the Descendants of Noah. It is translated from the original Hebrew book ‘Sefer Sheva Mitzvot HaShem’ (The Book of Seven Divine Commandments).
  2. Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge: Spiritual Knowledge and Faith for All Righteous Gentiles.
  3. Shaar HaYichud VehaEmunah’ (The Gate to [the understanding of] G-d’s Unity and the Faith).Which is the second book of the Tanya. The Lubavitcher Rebbe recommended that this section of the Tanya be taught to Noachides. (see Likutei Sichos, Vol. 25, p. 192 or Likutei Sichot vol. 29 on Yud Tes Kislev).
  4. Prayers, Blessings, Principles of Faith, and Divine Service for Noahides. Which is our Prayerbook.


The topic at our meetings is limited to Orthodox Jewish teachings about the Noachide commandments and the correct and appropriate beliefs and concepts for Noachides to hold. It doesn’t matter what religion you may have been a member of in the past, that’s not our concern. We are not an Interfaith Forum, and we will not discuss any other religion. Politics are also not an appropriate subject at these classes.

What is the purpose of the Seven Commandments and of our association?

Yishuv HaOlam – the settlement of the world, for the peoples of all nations, with the establishment of stable, morally upright and just societies based on the Seven Noachide Commandments. As the prophet expresses the purpose of creation: ‘He did not create it a waste land, He formed it to be inhabited.’ (Isaiah 45:1)

‘This is the purpose of the Seven Noachide Commandments, to ensure that the world be in a state of decency, each person acting with justice and righteousness to another. This is connected with the “Name of the L-rd” — the Seven Noachide Commandments are fulfilled because a person has faith in the Creator of the world; Who commanded him to conduct himself in an orderly, constructive, decent fashion; and to utilize his abilities and influence on others to ensure that they also conduct themselves properly.’ – The Lubavitcher Rebbe, 11th Nissan, 5742 (1982).

Our Vision:

That all Gentiles should accept G-d’s Sovereignty over the world and observe G-d’s Universal Instructions for Gentiles:  The Seven Noachide Commandments, as given after the Flood to Noah and his descendants in the Covenant of Noah. Specifically because they were repeated by G-d to Moses at Mount Sinai during the Revelation of the Holy Torah, an eternal source which obligates its continued observance by all mankind.

We want to help prepare the way for the King Messiah; may he come soon. As the Lubavitcher Rebbe said: ‘Through all this work, of teaching the laws of Noach to the nations of the world, which is a preparation for the work of Moshiach, may we merit the ultimate and complete goal of perfecting the world with the fulfillment of the promise: “For then will I turn to the peoples a pure language, that they may all call upon the Name of the LORD to serve Him with one consent.” – 11th Nissan, 5745 (1985).

Why should I bother in getting involved?

You were created by G-d, not by chance. It’s your task to elevate all human activity to a Divine purpose. In short, this means being able to connect every human activity with G-d; and this is precisely the purpose of the Seven Noachide Commandments. By making the Seven Noachide Commandments a part of your life you have the ability to connect your entire being with G-d. Upon achieving this task you create a dwelling place for G-d in the world, hence fulfilling purpose in your life and in the life of creation.

Want to join the London Noachide Class?

The meetings are on an invitation only basis, so if you would like to attend, simply send us an email with the following information:

Application Form

Please note that our classes closed during the Covid lockdown but we have now re-opened them and Rabbi Sufrin has been joined by Rabbi Yisroel Yosef Cyprys. Our first class after lockdown was held on 06/08/2023 in a Zoom Meeting. 

2024 Update: On 06/06/2024 we held the first of our new weekly Zoom study group meetings, hosted by Josephine. We were joined by Rabbi Cyprys and he will endeavour to join us in our meetings as and when his schedule allows so we can ask questions. Information about our Zoom classes will be posted in our WhatsApp group and to join that please send me an email at the address below or fill out the application form above. You can also join our Facebook Group.  

Join us on Facebook: Noachides of Great Britain

Alternative Online Classes:

Online study courses for Noahides to study right now are available here: / /
